Saturday, October 31, 2009

Burning feet, what to do?

I am doing a housekeeping job and walk 4 to 5 miles a day. My feet burn doing this. What can I do?
When I walk a lot, my feet burn, too. Does it feel like it's just the surface to you? Or inside? Because with me it's like the sole of my feet.

Strange as this may sound, I soak my feet in a warm water solution of 80% water and 20% Clorox bleach. (I started with 10% but, over the years, have started making it a lot stronger.)

Works for me, gets rid of the burning feeling for weeks or months. But I don't know if that is what you're facing.
put in cd
get a pumice stone and rub the callouses off the soles of your feet.
ahh.stick them in water....
Purchase more comfortable shoes to be walking 4-5miles /day..after your long day, soak your feet in the tub, give them a massage with cream afterwards and keep feet elevated as much as you can at home before on your feet again * goodluck*
Shoes play a huge role in this. I suggest (depending on what you do) either replace your shoes ever 6 months, or 300 miles. You might need new insoles. If you go to a store that specializes in shoes they can make a suggestion if you tell them what you do. They will look at the bottom of your shoe and see how you wear down. You might have to go to the doctor if that doesn't help.
Burning or itching? Have you tried a doctor?

Could be fungus (go to pharmacy), hormones (go to doctor), bacteria reacting to sweat or you out of condition and body slow to adjust (powder and clean socks daily).

Hard to tell you why your feet burn because so many causes. You maybe hygenic appearance, but bacteria / fungus can't be seen. Tinea / athletes foot is common.
I soak my feet in epsom salts and hot water. I also never, ever wear the same shoes two days in a row. I rotate my shoes. By wearing them one day and leaving them home the next, I insure that they're dried out inside (all our feet sweat to some degree) and lower my risk of having some fungus in my shoes.

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