Saturday, October 31, 2009

Best way to sleep...?

I need tips on sleeping. What position is comfortable? How many pillows are good? Please give me any and all information!
im suggesting you buy a "sleep number bed"
sleeping pills
hugging a bear
hugging a pillow
close your eyes
play music [ soft music ]
turn of all lights [nightlight if needed]
your body naturaly knows how to be comfortable, if you are having trouble sleeping like I used to, there is a natural suplement that I have taken for years that helps. It's called valarian root, you take it half an hour before you go to bed and you will be off to dream land in no time.
You should sleep either on your right side or your stomach. Sleeping on your back is okay unless you have sleep apnea. Sleeping on your left side should be avoided because it isn't good on your hearts circulation. One pillow is all you need. Any more than that will interfere will the alignment of your spine;causing back and neck pain.
I tend to find a good-sized boulder, preferably with a little cool moss on one side. Basically just scurry up on top of it, arch on it on my back, let my feet dangle. Occasionally I'll fall off, but most of the time would have needed to change positions by then anyway.
sleep with one eye open .....
gripping your pillow tight !
your body will tell you what is comfortable
that basically depends on u and ur body. i would recommend that u use one or two pillow(s) and sleep on the side that ur not facing the wall if ur bed is on the side. sleep with ur left shoulder down and ur right up. that's how i sleep...hope it helps!! i almost forgot, hug something like a stuffed bear or something or keep it right next to ur arms. it helps, trust me.
I have huge bed I use 3 pillows . have you try body hug ? It gives me tremendous comfort. as for position face up and on the sides are good
Upside down, clinging from the ceiling. Works for most bats, and you never hear them complain.

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