Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Can cervical spondilitis -- intense headache may cause death at 42 yr age ? tell reamedy.?

Hi there!i have cervical spondilytes and no!! its nothing to panic abt and its not life threathening--i usually have it once a yr or once in 2 yrs esp during winter--sumtimes i feel like christoper reeves--many a times i thot i wud die of the intense pain and inability to move--its caused by stress mainly ,also the lubricants in ur spine works less-it has to be oiled naturally--which means u gotta exercise--and DONT ever attempt it wen ur pain is severe--when the pain is intense--lie down flat--dont use too soft or too hard a pillow=perferably no pillows--hard flat surface,take calcium tabs and painkillers-ask ur dr.rest.dont bend ur neck and work--covering books,cooking,computers etc-and u will live to b a 100--btw i m 41 and i dont wanna die!!!
Such patients would not die because of this problem...

They should do the following:

Regular exercise of neck is essential...
Do not keep your head lean down for long time...
Always read any thing in upright position...

In spondylosis blood supply to the head is reduced hence you should do whatever the physicians suggest to regulate blood supply to your head... take it granted that if you follow all the above you would get rid of all the pains out of this problem...
mere cervical spondilits never cause death at any age.Cervical spondilitis is a degenerative disk disorder with acute pain over days to weeks.Degenerative changes occur in uncovertebral joints causing pain over neck and rediating towards the upper limbs. Treatment is NSAID Durgs, Isometric cervical muscle strengthening exercices, Heat or Ice massage, Short term immobilization in soft collar can be consider.

Can Catnip be used as a drug?

Can "catnip" be used as a drug, i.e. smoked or anything?
You can make a nice tea out of it that can be used as a sleep aid. I tried it once and fell asleep halfway through my cup. Don't use catnip made for cats, though... It has other junk shoved in it. You'll have to get the actual plant itself or a special tea blend of it.
I personally wouldn't try it.

My friend and her friends smoked mixed herbs once to see what it was like (they ran out of mary j)

I thought that was pretty funny, quite sad though. She said they all nearly threw up - as you would.
I think it is only a turn on for cats. Maybe if your a big *****.
only for cats , and they smell it and eat it , but for humans notta

Can breathing in carbon monoxide cause headaches and tiredness?

I've heard that if you breathe in carbon monoxide can make you tired and get headaches..I'm just wondering if its true or not.
The symptoms of carbpn monoxide poisoning are similar to the flu, food poisoning, or other illnesses. Even low levels of carbon monoxide can cause shortness of breath, mild nausea, and mild headaches. At moderate levels it can cause severe headaches, dizziness, severe nausea, mental confusion, or fainting.
absolutely true
i thought it killed you? but ok
Yes, and it can KILL YOU
Not only that, it can kill you too.
yes, and it can also, and most likely will also given enough of it, kill you horribly
umm maybe you're thinking about carbon dioxide and the answer is yes. breathing carbon monoxide causes death.
"The earliest symptoms, especially from low level exposures, are often non-specific and readily confused with other illnesses, typically flu-like viral syndromes, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, and migraine or other headaches.[10] Often this makes the diagnosis of carbon monoxide poisoning difficult. If suspected the diagnosis can be confirmed by measurement of blood carboxyhemoglobin."
Yep....sure can....can also put to sleep for a long long time in a casket.
Yup it is most definatly true it causes some major headaches and makes you very tired if you think you have a leek in your home you should go to walmark target of cvs and get a carbon test there only about 5 bucks and it will tell you if there is any in your house
yes it is very true.
Yes, it also kills you if you get enough of it.
yes it w'd kill u later.
Yes, it can. As you know, carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless, and FATAL gas. If you breathe too much of it in it can kill you.
Yes, and in conjunction with those death can occur if you are overexposed to it
Absolutely! My inlaws have been complaining about these symptoms for a few days. Turns out they had a carbon monoxide problem with their heater. Good thing it wasn't too serious. You can die from it.
It's very true. But the headaches and tiredness only last a short while before you die from carbon monoxide poisoning. It's a sad but true statistic that hundred of people die every year when they let the car engine run in a closed garage.
well ofcource and it cozes death too coz it blocks oxygen from entering your cells and oxygen is vital for cellular respiration. also our brain requires massive ammounts of oxygen if we don't get oxygen in our barin we will fell many kinds of side effects not just headahces
yes it does and in liek two hours it will kill u
umm well, most people who breath this stuff in die, so who really knows.
Yeah I would expect a headache, you are suffocating your brain and body.
Yes it is true. Carbon monoxide replaces the oxygen in your blood and cause more than you to be fatigued or headaches. These are early symptoms of poisoning. It can be FATAL.

If you are experiencing symptoms similar to this and have been exposed to carbon monoxide, you might want to consider contacting a physician immediately, or call your local poison control center or go to the emergency room for treatment.
it cuts off your oxygen supply, so if you get enough, which isn't that much, it could kill you
Yes. It can also cause death. Carbon Monoxide is a silent killer because it has no scent and you don't know it's there without a monitor. It replaces oxygen in the air so you die of asphyxiation.
I think it can cause tiredness and headaches or sometimes difficulty breathing.

Can being around or working with chemicals make a person go numb/senseless? Specially a girl?

Does working in a lab with chemicals make a person feel numb or senseless? If so, why and how that happens? Please, i really wanna know.. Any kind of an answer would do..
Yes, it can. It doesn't matter if you're male or female, exposure to chemicals of any kind can have any number of affects. It could lead to breathing problems (especially if you're asthmatic), numbness in any body part that is exposed, etc. I've even had that happen to me when using some household cleaners. If this person is working with chemicals, the workplace SHOULD, by law, have the proper working conditions (i.e. good ventilation) and provide the proper protective gear (i.e. gloves). If the workplace does not - QUIT, or call your state's OSHA Dept.(Occupational Safety %26 Health Agency) and report them.
YES!!!! It can be absorbed through you hands, skin and air you breathe. Ware gloves always, two pair wouldn't be bad, and use a mask. Ware long sleeve shirts, try to keep yourself cover up. Any exposed skin can draw chemicals. Make sure you wash off really good, after every job. Ware a hair bonnet also. Watch out some of this stuff "combined" can kill you. My Dad used to work in a chemical factory, and the combination's of chemicals gave him Cancer. If you employer does not provide these, get them to!! Contact the occupational safety and health department if they do not want to. That will light a fire under their butts!
Some chemicals are easily inhaled, injested, or even absorbed through the skin. Proper safety precautions should always be taken when handling any type of chemicals, including household ones. It does not matter if the person is male or female, although people may have differing reactions to various chemicals.

There are chemicals which will affect the nervous system. Sometimes the effects are only minor and temporary, but there can also be permanent damage. Even if the symptoms seem to have passed, the person should still seek medical help.

If you suspect someone has come in contact with a harmful chemical, do not take any chances. Check the label or packaging for first aid information, contact your local poison control center, or call 911. Provide the medical responders with the suspected chemical(s) so proper treatment can be determined and administered.

Can anything be made from belly button fluff?

Yep, save it for a lifetime and you'll be able to get it spun into yarn to make you an egg cosy
that's nasty

Can anyone tell me how to make a poultice.I have a very sore lung, and need to put some heat in that area?

I think before anyone gives you a recipe for a poultice, you need to give a bit of information as to WHY your lung is sore. If is from a trauma, it would need something entirely different than if it is due to pneumonia, for example.
Put a hot water bottle on that area, it will be quicker, failing that, fill a mineral bottle up with hot water %26 put it in a glove or wrap in a tea towel, works the same way.But, please see a doctor, just incase. xxx
A drawing poultice would be bread soda with salt. Its usually used for infections on open wounds but would work as well on others. If you have some tea tree oil I would add that as well. But the best thing for a sore lung is massage, try and get someone to massage the top part of your back between the shoulder blades, that will loosen any mucus and ease the pain.
You can make a poultice from bread if you need to, or a large cabbage leaf, ironed(yes!) with the heat still in it. But if the pain is in your lung and you are sure; I would advise you to seek help - your lungs do not normally cause you pain - but when they do, you can be sure there is something serious going on in there.
Or, If you have a hot water bottle, wrap it well so you skin is protected, and apply heat from that
Be safe visit the doctor.
Poultice are things from the dark ages.

Can anyone tell me how i can grow taller?

When i was in my puberty b/n 15-18 i used to work hard stuff like helping my dad when he was building a house now i fear that it have affected my height i am 20yrs now and 5"5' male. can any one tell me how to grow taller.coz i don't feel like this is my height , i was growing taller very fast before i started doing hard stuff.
Hard work does not make you stop growing, and nothing will increase your height now
Sorry dude you are 99% (probably 100%) done growing...you are just a short guy...not the end of the world. There is nothing you can do to grow taller once you have reached adult hood...when you were younger you could have taken human growth hormone, but that only works until you reach adulthood.
drink milk and buy some platform shoes
Boys continue to grow tall until 21 but after 18 they will only grow taller a little bit so i think that if you will grow any taller it will be minimal.
my dear boy don't hesitate yourself that your height is so short.
it doesn't a big matter to worry about. instead of worrying show all your concentration on your studies. for eg: sachin tendulkar. he is short only . but his achievements goes for high. it is boundless. like that you can also do one day in a specified field. so be happy with what u have and what u are.
Accept your height now or you will have self issue problems later. I am tall, most of my friends are a lot smaller than you, its not an issue.Just be the best person you can and remember the best things in life come in little packages.
Please look at this web site it may help.You cant and nor do you need to grow taller .